Per-Olof Berggren at the Karolinska Institute
Professor Per-Olof Berggren at the Karolinska Institute has developed a unique in vivo imaging approach to enable identification of novel drugable targets for diabetes treatment.
Diabetes Research
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Professor Per-Olof Berggren</strong> and his group at Karolinska Institutet have developed a unique <em>in vivo</em> imaging approach to enable identification of novel druggable targets and drugs for these targets in diabetes treatment. They use the anterior chamber of the eye as a novel transplantation site, with the cornea as a natural body window visualizing human islet cell physiology/pathology <em>in vivo</em>, non-invasively, longitudinally at single cell resolution.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes</strong> a major problem is to improve the success rate of islet transplantation. Professor Berggren is now running clinical trials both in Europe, USA and Mexico to evaluate the anterior chamber of the eye as a novel and superior transplantation site for pancreatic islets. The hypothesis is that the anterior chamber of the eye will need much less islets to achieve normoglycemia, that local immunosuppression in the eye will be sufficient to avoid rejection and that the status of the transplant can be monitored over time. Locally applied immunosuppressive drugs constitutes a major advantage avoiding all potential negative side effects of such powerful drugs given systemically. </p>
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